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Saturday, July 25, 2009

They Don't Care About Us

The economy is getting worse
The crime rate is increasing
Many Malaysian problems not settled
And yet we read in newspapers everyday, politicians fighting with each other

What the hell man, we didn't elect you to fight for yourselves, you are suppose to represent us

We are suffering now, hear that?

This song is dedicated specially for you politicians

Quoted from a youtuber

Many people are just too apathetic or blind to notice what's wrong with our society. We need to start thinking about our society. Don't let the world elite do this job for us because they're just working for service to self. Money, resources, and domination are all they care.

"The government is not there to serve people but to control people and is the best money can buy" ~ David Icke

If governments were there to serve people, then the world wouldn't be corrupted today! Everything is a competition game. How can we expect not to have any problem and conflict like this? It doesn't require an Einstein to figure this out. You just need to make the effort to "wake up" from mind control & manipulation that so many people are under. This is why every aspect of our society is structured like a pyramid, where a few can control many with money. This is the source of corruption we must be aware of. The first step to revolution is to realize that we're enslaved by the elite and their system.

Let the rebel begin and put an end to the corruption!