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Sunday, April 08, 2007

我的朋友 My Friends Kawanku


Anonymous said...

Malaysia under Umno was, is and will forever be a basket case. What we see now as development and progress are merely internal consumption.

Unless the government commits to real change and wiping out of the current rot in Umno, Malaysia is slowly but surely spiraling downward towards being a pariah country.

Anonymous said...

If you read our Malaysia school history textbook - you will realised there are a few changes in the history. Did the malays change the history again?

How can you change the history to make our country and malays sound like so marvelous and smart but the fact is not, and insert the wrong information to our next generation? If there was a mistake made by your ancestor, admit it!

Going back to the history of Thailand and Malaysia, prior to the western colonialism era, the entire Malaysia was part of Thailand; the same way Laos was part of Thailand. Back then, the fittest survived and ruled. There were no such things as international laws.

During the western colonialism period, the British and the French came along. In order to maintain its independence, the Kingdom of Thailand was compelled to give up the currently called Malaysia part of Thailand to the British, and the currently called Laos to the French.

After that, the official boundaries that separated Thailand from Malaysia and Laos were drawn and recognized today by the United Nations.

So, the history textbook in school never really started from the root but started from whoever he is, the Parameswara who seems no one never sure how he looks like, or whatsoever migrant from Indonesia, and after that, all the malays thought this land called Malaysia and call them bumis and need the special rights for everything, and claim from everything.

Arrogant, bully, chauvinist, ego, empty brained Umno - who barely bloody hypocrite.

The land is simply not belongs to you naive malay, even we not to force, already a lot of Malaysians gone to other countries to find better living, especially the talented ones, our country not appreciate smart talented Chinese and Indians, other countries like America, Australia and England they do, that is why their country is so multi-cultured yet advanced, who is the lose one?

We are Malaysians, but then all these years are we really treated equally? We all know about that issues, just that you guys don't want to face it, try to hide it or push people out of the country, well……….no need to force all those talented people are already outside the country, let us see all those well-known Malaysians who work overseas:

The very Hollywood star, Michelle Yeoh in US. The very popular violinist, Andrew Au Yong in German. The very smart author, Sandra Chen in Australia. The very talented Indian chef, Sangkar in Paris.

Where are they from? Malaysia. Where are they now? Other people's countries - and many many more medical practitioners are overseas as well. Who is left over in Malaysia? Those lose ones. We no need to force, we choose to leave.

Anonymous said...

Never in the entire history of Malaysia that its citizens feel so hopeless for having such a hypocrite sleepy prime minister! Time to vote Umno out in the coming election!

Anonymous said...

Lee Kuan Yew said recently the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore has not always been smooth sailing, and so investing in the Iskandar Development Region (IDR) may not always be smooth sailing for Singaporean companies.

This is simply a statement of fact that nevertheless appears to have gotten local Umno leaders into a tizzy.

Every local Umno politician hopes to be in a position to be approving investment flows into the country because to stand as gatekeeper is a very lucrative position, and when public squabbles erupt between Umno politicians about who is the better "protector of malay privileges and rights", it usually means someone just wants a bigger cut of the investment action for himself.

Go figure that one.

Of course, the relationship between Malaysia and Singapore is special because of the race relations issue.

Singapore has been the favourite whipping boy of the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press for the last 50 years, and if anything are seen as even bigger devils than the local Chinese and Indian citizens of Malaysia in the eyes of Malaysia's malay Muslims.

The fact is Singapore's development model has meant that Singapore's malays are far better educated, far better equipped, far better paid, far more self-confident, and self-reliant to deal with globalisation than malay Muslims in Malaysia.

This makes Ketuanan Melayu, the malay Agenda, and the NEP look like failed racist apartheid policies that have impoverished everyone except Umno cronies. Of course, Umno must demonise Singapore to maintain the illusion that Umno politicians are nationalists and not parasites, and more so if Singapore happens to be better educated, meritocratic, richer, and safer than Malaysia.

Malay Muslims in Malaysia have been brainwashed by Umno for the last 50 years into thinking that the Chinese and Indians both Malaysians and Singaporeans have gotten rich at their expense, and this perception probably won't change anytime soon because Umno does not have another elections winning formula if it dumps the present demonisation formulas.

Every time Singapore's first world achievements are compared with the sluggish technological, competitiveness, economic, educational, professional, scientific, and social standard in apartheid Malaysia, there is the predictable keris waving, baying for blood, and frothing at the mouth in every Umno up and down the country in Malaysia

Although Chinese and Indian Malaysians have simply accepted the gross racial discrimination in business, education, and job as a fact of life in Malaysia, the non-apartheid non-NEP meritocratic Singaporean mindset may not have the stomach for this particular type of nonsense in the IDR.

I think Lee Kuan Yew is way too smart to think the demonisation process of the Chinese and Indians in the Umno-controlled malay vernacular press is going to stop anytime soon. How else is Umno going to win elections except by continuing to perpetrate the lie that the orang asing minorities in Malaysia are a threat to the malays?

Nevertheless Lee Kuan Yew may be hoping Chinese and Indian Singaporean investors will not be discriminated against in the IDR in comparison with investors from countries like China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, United Kingdom, and United States.

In the meantime, I am sure it will simply be business as usual for the rest of us in racial and religious apartheid Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Government controlled newspapers are good for wrapping nasi lemak. Read Malaysia Today for real news……….Bravo Raja Petra!

Anonymous said...

Sad to say without the Chinese and other non-malay races in Malaysia and Indonesia, the region will be the backwater of Southeast Asia.

The malays cannot stand on their own feet. Just compare the GDP contribution of non-malays present and past against the malays.

Sadly, the most Middle Eastern civilizations are Islamic based on their God Allah and they are a failure compared to western civilization based on human ideology. This is partially why Malaysia 'tak boleh maju', as its policies are based on religion and race.

Oh wait, to that malay who says 'majority is always right'. Certainly, you still have a long way to go. You are not 'sons of the soil'. The Orang Asli, not malays, are the rightful owner of Malaysia.

You guys stole the land from them, just like your Arab brothers who tried to force their religion on others by military conquest in hopes of dying for your God and copulate with the 72 virgins in Muslim paradise! Cheers.

Anonymous said...

Dr Mahathir, 22 years you left us nothing but:

- A generation of poor non-malays who is gangsters or selling DVDs
- AP issues
- A useless currency in the ringgit
- IC Project in Sabah
- Keris waving political party members
- MAS in deficit
- Proton in financial trouble
- Racial divide
- Tongkat generation
- World's most expensive tolls anywhere in the city

And now, after being out of politics, you suddenly talk a lot of malays this and that when you had 22 years in power and you did absolutely, jack shit.

Please old man, you want to make a change, it is too late now. All you can do is look at that man in the mirror and cry before you meet your almighty maker.

Anonymous said...

Yes, which Islamic country in the world today is strong in technology science, R&D, literature, etc?

The answer is a big NONE!

Drop Islam and malays would be a better race!

Anonymous said...

I am not trying to show off with my qualification. What I am trying to say is that Malaysia will lose out if all these educated people and highly qualified do not want to go home.

Frankly, I have start up my family in the UK and also a very successful business. I have been working towards my success starting from zero. Not even 1 cent or penny from the Malaysia government.

I am fed up with the corruption and discrimination in Malaysia. I agree with somebody "if we disagree with Malaysia government policies that are based on race and religion then we should move out of the country" and I did.

Some people might say I am coward or traitor but why should I stay if the government treats me as nothing? I feel human living in the UK and everyone is being treated the same no matter what is the colour of your skin.

Imagine living in a country which people like Haji keep calling "this is Islamic country, if you don't like it, get out". Or the future leader like Khairy saying something unreasonable.

I feel ashamed and insecure. I cannot see the future for the next generation. Therefore, sorry to say but I am a proud British now.

Anonymous said...

That is why malay is the most arrogant, corrupted, racist and terrorist race in the world. To the world population, malay is only a minority. And yet, still keep on talking about Islam, Muslim, Syariah law. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Anybody care to translate? I don't speak/understand mandarin.